

Student Success Statement

"When You Tell One Lie
 It Leads To Another"

Paul Hatch

Image result for bid or small lies are lies quote

Image result for bid or small lies are lies quote
Reflection: This quote is true because everyone at one point has lie once at least. But if you remember when you lie how many lies did you lie? because you may say once but for that one it becomes two and that two become three and it keeps going because they still ask you questions. Some times you may do a hole story of lies. And when you lie you are hurting your self not others. In example of this is: you toke a shortcut and your mom never picks you up but today she decides to pick you up and they way you told her you go she doesn't see you so both of you get home maybe more early that before and you call your mom that your home and she get home. And starts asking you questions like did you take a shortcut today? no why?(first lie) because I want and pick you up today and did not saw you. Are u sure you did not toke a shortcut? yes I'm sure mom(second lie) I was walking with my friends (third lie) then the next day in the morning your mom tells you she is going to pick you up and that she will ask your friend if you guys took a walk together. So you go to school that morning and you see your friend and tell him that your mom is going to pick them up today and that she is going to ask your friend if you guys walk together yesterday. So you tell yor friend to say yes and they way you guys supposile left(four lie) and you guys made four lies.


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